Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rocker Has Come Undone

"I feel so attached to this old one, it's just so nostalgic!
But it would be special if the new one was from my momma!"
(Shared sentiments with my daughter)

Several years ago, I was still working and spending a lot of time traveling on the road.  I was not in a relationship, loved my job, and spent very little time nurturing myself.  As I was zipping along an old highway, I passed a country store with wicker furniture displayed outside.  As I drove by, I noticed a rocking chair and told myself, "You can stop on your way back." 

Amazing even my self, my car made a big old  u-turn and drove back to the shop.  I was well pleased.  I got out of the car and sat in the rocker, loving it immediately.  I paid the owner his requested fee and gently placed the new especially treated wicker rocker into my car. 

Like I said, that was years ago.  The rocker yearly sat on my covered porch while I spent endless hours reading by myself, with my daughter, and also with my granddaughter.  It was accompanied by a wooden porch swing gifted to me by a very long time dear friend. 

Over the years the rocking chair became a symbol of the hours shared together, so when it came time for me to move, my daughter quickly laid claim to it.  More years passed as she used it on her covered back patio, investing even more reading time.  Then it came time for her to move, but the chair easily found its new home on another lovely covered patio. 

As in all things, time wears down our exteriors.  In spite of preservation attempts, the rocker has come undone.  It is obvious that it needs replacement, but my daughter remains attached to this rocking friend of many years.  We will search for a new one perhaps for her birthday, keeping it a family tradition.  Sometimes, it is just plain hard to let things go! 

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