Thursday, April 17, 2014

Entering through the Door

There are so many diverse pathways, leading to the road of discovery.  The same lesson or message can be delivered in varying languages, actions, or visions, but still may not unfold into personal understanding.  No matter how carefully we listen, sometimes the importance simply does not resonate.  Then one day we pick up a book or meet a stranger and hear exactly the same intentions being displayed.  BAM!  We throw open the door and discover what we had been seeking.

There are many teachers and a variety of lessons.  There are many ways for us to learn.  So it is important we continue to approach what we seek until there is an alignment.  Teachers can only do so much.  They can explain to the best of their ability and still we may not personally connect.

What pathway works for one person, may be totally foreign to another.  We must find our own way and open our own door to understanding.  Even when we may think we are ready to learn, time some times is not ours and our lessons are delayed. 

It is important to remain consistent and flexible, to listen and see beyond, and to be patient and gentle with ourselves as well as others.  It is only when we enter the doorway by ourselves that we truly understand our lengthy travels.

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