Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Riding the Curve of the Spiral

"The whole universe is based on rhythms.
Everything happens in circles, in spirals."
John Hartford

Life is a dance, sometimes a jitterbug, foxtrot or waltz.  We get swirled around, moving in one direction until we are reeled back into an other.  This can happen so quickly, we may lose sight of what direction we need to go.  Going back and forth, covering the same ground, repeating the same steps, can be disheartening and tiring.

Life presents us with lessons, and we strive to master them.  Often times we are seemingly successful only to experience the same challenge repeatedly.  It never looks the same, but eventually the return to particular feelings cues us to what is unfolding, yet once again. 

We are creatures of habit, returning to what is comfortable even if it is not the best choice.  Change feels uncomfortable, and we are not always wired to persevere and move forward.  Instead, we find our selves running in circles, spiraling up and then down.

The more we resist, the stronger the persistence. If we accept the challenge, facing it head on, we will find ourselves once again on the other side of the challenge.  We will be stronger to have endured and learned.

The key is to learn to embrace the moment.  To take in whatever it is that surrounds us.  Search for the significance of what is happening.  When we ask, "Why me," we are trapped in the victim mode.  When we understand what lesson stands before us, we move into action or solution, gaining momentum and personal power.  Each curve of the spiral blends lesson, beauty and grace.


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