Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Colors We Wear

"Character contributes to beauty.
It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A
mode of conduct, a standard of courage,
discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a
great deal to make a woman beautiful."

Jacqueline Bisset
English Actress

Life is like water colors.  If one uses too many at one time, the colors appear to be muddy and dark.  If we do not use enough color, there is too much transparency.  An artist develops a sense of balance between his or her strokes of the brush, just as individuals, learn to blend color in each day.

As children, the artist within uses bright bold colors.  There are no restrictions for them even when the teacher reprimands to color within the lines or ponies are not purple!  It isn't until we are older that we pay more attention to what color is appropriate for which occasion.  Heels and hats to church, never pants.  No wearing of white after labor day or prior to Easter.  Black is reserved for the severity of death and mourning.  Such restrictions we allow to be placed upon us.  No wonder there was great laughter when a woman's poem was published about 'when I grow old, I shall wear purple!"

Artists learn the appropriateness of balancing color, just as we learn to distribute color into our lives.  We have individual choices as to what colors appeal to us more than others.  And colors vibrate different energies as well.  When I was a child, I was told never to paint a bathroom lavendar as it caused constipation.  Now, that has to be a classic! 

Before my daughter could make choices for dressing herself, I was amused to grow aware of how I dressed her in the exact color I happened to be wearing that day.  Not to be matching at all.  It was a projection of how I translated my moods into colors and then passed them on to her.  Become aware of how the colors we choose reflect how we feel as it can be fun and interesting.

As the years pass, our experience with color deepens and becomes richer.  Our daring with colors reflects how we have learned to embrace life ... distracting, hiding, or celebrating.  Eventually we realize our true radiance comes from within and not from what we wear.  Our radiance is an overall blending of the colors from suffering, challenge, and the courage to move forward.  Bravery and wisdom are the colors the elderly wear and they wear them well.

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