Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom of Creative Expression

Pursue the arts. <3

It is one of those days where nothing is going right.  Coffee pot ignored the preset. Difficult to get on the Internet and stay there.  Computer program freezes up and then I lose everything. 
Who keeps throwing up all of these walls?  What is the message here? Maybe I am being guided away from my routine, to stretch my boundaries in a different direction.
So I set my sails for areas that rarely become my port.  I put on some happy music, light as many candles as I can (without starting a fire), crank up some music, and unearth my water colors!  I position myself in front of the window looking out to all that lives and breathe in the sunshine, until I feel filled with radiant joy. 
For hours I am lost, free floating in the wash of the colors from my brush.  Exploring different strokes and images from varying brushes.  Sensing a need to expand even further, I find my calligraphy pen and sketch in some vague details. 
When my water colors dry, I will save them for a spell.  Eventually they will be discarded, but the memories of the freedom I felt in creative expression will be ever lasting!


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