Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blissful Habit

<3 @[156498024364689:274:The Peace & Love Train]
(The Peace and Love Train)
When we live in each moment, kindness is readily available.  When our thoughts are not tainted by what just happened a few seconds earlier or what is going to happen a short while, we have the present moment to be kind.  With much practice of bringing kindness into our present moment, it can become a blissful habit.  We find ourselves with an attitude of gratitude no matter what stands before us. 
We know all things happen for a reason so we can embrace what stands before us as the teacher.  If we are grounded (connected with the crystal core of Mother Earth and the Divine Light at the same time.) we can determine the point of the exchange without slipping into fear or dismay.  We can meet life head on, as we know all things pass and will pass more readily when we avoid denial or unaccountability.
In our private moments we can cast spells of kindness out to those who struggle, fearing for their very existence.  We can float heartfelt thoughts of encouragement to those who have no home and no food.  We can extend a light in our mind's eye as a beacon of hope to children who are suffering.  We can create a community of kindness in our thoughts and hold all those who are less fortunate in this visualized space. 
As we walk down the street, we can simply smile extending kindness to passers-by.  It very well may be the only sign of pleasantness they receive during the day.  So stop the chatter in your brain, and fill the silent space with kindness to be distributed freely throughout the day. 

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