Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pockets of Time

Nikolaos Gyzis
"Since time is an illusion
invented by the human intellect,
it is entirely pliable,
expanding or contracting
to reflect the thoughts
we are holding
at the time.
Alan Cohen
In the artwork of Nikolaos Gyzis, PSYCHE, we at first glance see a most delicate  woman, sitting with something red in her hand.  If we spent a little more time with this piece of art, we may have noticed the woman indeed had wings.  By chance, if we lingered a little longer, we may have noticed she was delicately balancing on the ledge of an eye. 
The point in mentioning this is really about time and what we choose to see.  As Alan Cohen suggests, much depends upon what thoughts we are holding and how much time is allotted.  When we practice staying in the moment, it is only when we drag the past or project into the future that we can find ourselves overwhelmed.  We are called to unclutter each moment, letting it exist on its own. 
"I don't have enough time," is a statement that is heard repeatedly.  The fact is we always have time and the same amount of time.  It is how we choose to use it.  We distribute how our time is used, unless of course ego has control over it.
Albert Einstein shared, "A day spent with a beautiful woman seems like a moment; an hour at a job you hate feels like and eternity."  If we are experiencing only the contraction of time, then we need to bring more things into our lives that we truly enjoy.  When we nurture or entertain ourselves, we can feel lost in time. 
Years ago, I lost my watch.  It made me keenly aware of how I was a prisoner to time.  By not wearing a watch, I discovered all kinds of pockets in time.  I felt free to live my life based on my choices and not on the demands of time.  My life took on a better cadence, I felt more peaceful, and everything was accomplished when required.  These pockets of time allowed me to appreciate a full life and not just in 15 minute increments. 

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