Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our Original Spin

Do Something.
If it works, do more of it.
       If it doesn't, do something else.     
Franklin D. Roosevelt
It is up to each one of us to bring a personal touch to our life.  It is fine to duplicate Pottery Barn in your home or top  fashion, but put your original spin on it.  Label it yours by a stroke of authenticity.
It is always interesting to me to visit a woman's home an notice all of her special touches, claiming space as her very own.  Even if your preference is to be uncluttered, you can leave traces reflecting your beautiful self.
It is part of the feminine spirit that quests for the creative whether it is a book, glass, silver, sheet music or candles.  Women tend to have collections that may not mean anything to others, and that is perfectly fine.  These collections, whether large or small, have a priceless value and contribute to our very being. 
I once was invited to a home of a friend to discuss community resources.  Once settled in, I happened to notice a corner with a table filled with unique candles all aglow.  The home owner followed my gaze and almost apologetically said, "Oh, all of those candles hold light for different loved ones in my life.  They stray from my mind, but when the candle is lit, they are not forgotten, still held in the light."  I was speechless. 
Over twenty years ago, I had the privilege of visiting a bungalow not far from where I grew up.  I loved the character of the home itself, and felt an immediate kinship with the woman dwelling there.  There was a small alcove in one of the walls that may have originally been a shelf for the style of phone being used when the home was built.  In this alcove was an unscented tall glass candle that burned for endless hours.  When we left for lunch, I asked about extinguishing the candle, but the home owner told me no.  She explained that for years now, she continuously burned these candles around the clock.  The burning candle would catch her eye from time to time, reminding her that even though she forgets about spirit, spirit never forgets about her.
When we have quirky mementos or small rituals for our day, we bring magic into life.  The simple acts allow us to experience once again childlike imagination.  It stirs up happiness, hope, and connection with the Divine.  We need our original spin.

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