Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sacred Space

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.

- Joseph Campbell

Over the years, I have discussed sacred spaces with a diverse population of women.  Sacred spaces offer a place for a person to restore their spirit, discover answers, receive guidance, or simply just to 'be'.

A sacred space can be anywhere.  I have learned of some who have one chair in the corner of their home where they can feel safe and connect with what is holy to them.  Others may be more fortunate and have an entire room filled with books, music, desk with chair, and inspirational wall hangings.  There are some women who deem their entire home as sacred space.  Nature lovers may have a favorite park or a bench in their yard where they find time to be alone with the Divine no matter what the season.  Walking in the rain, sun, leaves, or snow can help focus on a sacred space within where we can celebrate our inner strengths.

Having a sacred space has everything to do with our personal faith or belief system.  It is a place we have been so frequently, we immediately slide into a contemplative mind frame, feeling safe and not distracted by surroundings. 

Many women in particular feel drawn to rituals that are not offered within the confines of their organized religion or desire to experience the sense of ritual in a more frequent and private way.  For some, lighting a candle to celebrate their life or sipping a glass of wine while listening to relaxing music or brewing a favorite tea to accompany the reading of poems and favorite writings.  Catching thoughts in a journal or randomly sketching brings us closer to our source. 

The Holidays are fast upon us with a new year approaching.  Memories of loved ones, career disappointments, neglected goals, and required tasks squeeze us with pressure.  It is important for us to have a sacred space we can visit every day even if just for a few minutes.  We need to refresh and restore.

If you do not have a sacred space, just momentarily close your eyes and visualize a space where you are safe, nourished, and can rest.  Celebrate your self and recall the goodness in others so that you can joyfully face another day.

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