Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Infuse The Soul

"When you just sit in silence, the wind blows 
through you, the sun shines in you, and you realize 
you are not your body, you are everything."
Anita Krizzan 

Upon return from a six hour drive, I settled into my comfy chair to catch up on life that surrounds me.  Monkeypox, global food crisis, world chaos, and unprovoked violence.  The calm created during the last few days, quickly drains away.

With deliberate energy, I push unnecessary drama from my mind's eye and gaze upon the numerous signs of spring.  I welcome the connection experienced with the array of colors and lush landscapes just waiting to fill me with peace and tranquility.

There are reasons for the human experience, but there are also benefits when we  remember we are not just singular.  We are an important piece to the greater perfection of infinite energy.  It is when we choose to expand with all there is, we infuse the soul. 


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