Friday, May 6, 2022

Spectrum of Power


"And your power comes from your ability to choose
your all-powerful thoughts and send them out 
in any direction you decide upon."
Mike Dooley

We stand upon a platform with the option to speak gently into the heavens or direct our  words into darkness. Our words are powerful at all times whether we are focused or babbling.  Either way, it is important to hold our lovely selves accountable.

If we choose to detach and simply observe and listen to who or what we project, we begin to understand the need for alignment between all parts of the self.  Clarity presents our constant connection with all there is and the importance of our messages.  

We are upon this earth at this time equipped with our unique personality and perspectives.  They are meant to be shared, during this time and space.  We are encouraged to alternate between calculated focus and lofty detachment to experience the full spectrum of power.

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