Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Witness to Discovery


"The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything."
Julian of Norwich

In the midst of holiday gatherings, we can sit back and observe how energy moves people into embraces, exclamations, and sad farewells.  If we remember how Divine Spirit is present at all times, we can catch glimpses of joy no matter where we are situated.  

If we visualize the presence of God in all of life, we feel joy from our book collection (all the friends we have made), music (rekindling thoughts from past, present and future), and keepsakes (reminders of passages in life).  

Whether we are restored by walking in nature or sitting in a silent chapel, an awareness of joy from our true companion, Divine Spirit, emerges.  Joy is perpetuated by the constant embrace of Divine presence.  Seek and ye shall find! 

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