Thursday, December 23, 2021

Decipher Messages


"Through the unknown, we find the now."
Charles Baudelaire

Standing before a Georgia O'Keefe masterpiece, one tries to decipher the message and breathe in the beauty.  Listening to a masterstroke of Bach, one opens to the arrival of each extraordinaire note.  Walking through a pristine stream, one does not interrupt the rapture, but allows the body, mind and soul to absorb the beauty.

Like impetuous children, we turn to life, jumping up and down, demanding what will come next and who will be there.  The present moment in life is trampled by our eagerness to move beyond the moment. This is not living in the present.

Rather than searching for the now, simply choose to be in the now.  Eliminate distractions and allow the unknown to come to you.  Whether walking on a trail, staring at Christmas trees or Chanukah candles, mentally open the mind like opening the arms for embrace.  Invite the messages to gently flow inward, insights to softly appear and the energy of love to  fill every cell.  Welcome to living in the moment!

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