Sunday, December 12, 2021

Connecting with Self and Others


""We forget that physical gestures of support such as touching,
massaging, hand-holding, and hugging are vital to our well-being."
Chris Germer

As we age, we do not receive as many hugs nor hold the hands of others as frequently as we once did.  Especially during COVID we no longer greet strangers with hand shakes nor acquaintances with physical gestures.

A  recently published paper written by Aljoscha Dreisoerner and colleagues documented  how soothing touch lowers cortisol levels in stressful situations. As we are faced with life challenges, we can use our own hand (placed over our heart) to assist in reducing tension.

Society is increasingly mobile and families more distanced, we frequently find our lovely selves without touch.  Perhaps this has triggered ADOPT A PET to meet the needs of connection.  There is actually simple joy in a quiet moment, grasping a friend's hand and massaging it with lotion as it uplifts both participants. Touch is vital ... seek a way to receive it!

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