Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Lighthouse or Super Hero?

"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save;
they just stand there shining."
Anne Lamott

Thoughts of extending kindness can be developed into high acclaim or they can wither and die.  We have the choice to either ignore the prompt or bring energy to the idea expanding and following through.

Anne Lamott refers to a lighthouse as a beacon of light to draw others to safety; thus, removing the need to be one who physically rescues.  During the past year experiencing the confines of COVID, individuals developed ways of extending kindness without physical involvement.

The goal is not collecting golden badges reflecting upon our actions, but to excel at beaming our help through prayers, love, and light.  The person in need of help receives these silent actions, unknowing the source.  The intention to anonymously send our positive thoughts is far better than racing to the rescue in a super hero manner.

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