Saturday, December 11, 2021

When Soul Meets Soul


"When we can look into each other without an agenda or scheme
of desire or need, something indescribable and essential makes
us more than we are by ourselves."
Mark Nepo

During a weekend retreat, we were divided into two circles, one inside the other.  The inner circle was to become face to face with the outer circle.  The participants in the inner circular form, were to say nothing but to stare into the eyes of the other.  This circle when told, would shift to the right beginning again to stare into the eyes of the person now standing before them..

I believe this sacred rite was called a Puja.   This non verbal exercise was deeply communicative.  By staring into other's eyes,  all masks, costumes, personas and identities disappeared.  There was an instant connection in the silent exchange feeling rather intimate and spiritual.

Author, Mark Nepo suggests we sit with a loved one or trusted friend, facing each other in silence.  Gently and steadily, we become lost in the eyes disregarding all other physical appearances.  We sense a deepening exchange of oneness. Perhaps this is a soul meeting!

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