Tuesday, December 21, 2021

One Hundred Percent of Humanity


"Make the world work for a hundred percent of humanity,
in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation,
without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."
Buckminister Fuller

As we follow the road less traveled, we may not be aware of how we are being prepared for a future role we may play.  There may be approaching curves where we expect the trail to end, only to find it has swiftly changed course.  We open our hearts to a new direction.

We are not always understanding of the twists and turns unexpectedly presenting themselves.  These altered routes may not make any sense to us, but they end up being prevalent to our journey. Perception continues to be relevant.

As we treat fellow travelers as we want to be treated, honor all things in nature, spontaneously cooperate in respectful need, and leave no one behind, our world gently becomes a place for all ...  bathed in love, calm, and peace.

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