Monday, December 13, 2021

Expansion Within a Singular Moment

"Breathing in, I calm body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile."
Thich Nhat Hanh

Originally, the thought of being in the moment sounded exclusive and isolated; whereas now, the experience opens endlessly to deeper understandings, revelations, and expansive non-verbal communication. 

When we embrace the concept of time being an illusion, the present moment can take us far and wide.  We can visit other realms without time restrictions, returning after what seems to  have been at least an hour; yet, the clock reflects only one moment elapsed.

There can be great healing as one sits still releasing thoughts and visuals.  The stillness within absolves stress and tension.  The sense of peace encases us, but frees us to join in the oneness of unlimited form.  After all, it is what we seek ...  suspended in unconditional love.

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