Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Projections As Thieves


"Sometimes I need 
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed."
Mary Oliver

Emotional static increases disrupting harmony and peace. As we move forward to our waiting reality, it is vital to let go of negative family history, business of deadlines, and the busyness of neighborhood activities.

Rather than imaging static, we can decorate our hearts with the glow of candles, a few shimmering lights, and special moments for heightened inspiration.  As we allow love and light to flow through us out into the world, our spirits are lifted.

When we draw negative exchanges from the past, allowing them to distort the present, we rob our lovely selves of blessings before us. While we let go of pain from the past, our beating heart pumps radiant light into all empty spaces.  The thievery no longer robs us of the loving life we are meant to live. 

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