Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Words Flow into Perceptions

"I never know  when I sit down,
just what  I am going to write.
I make no plan, it just comes, and 
I  don't know where it comes from."
D. H. Lawrence

Everything we are taught has been experienced by others.  Most of what we say comes from the information we have heard or read.  So are any words we speak original?  If what we know is all second hand opinions, how is it we become authentic?

The easiest way to understand is to look at a box of crayons.  Individual crayons are known for their designated color, but depending upon the user, unique art work can be displayed.  So we are given a set of opinions (crayons) that are familiar with others; but how we apply or process the opinions creates unique perceptions.  

Virginia's Voice endeavors to be inspired by quotes of others, but presents the information accented by personal experience. What is obtained flows from thoughts guided by heart and soul.    The reader need not agree or disagree, but hopefully he or she will open the mind for an opportunity to expand.  Ideally, one listens and then creates.

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