Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Stringing Words

"One ought, every day at least,  to bear a little song, 
read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it 
were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When my daughter was born, I sang random words to her as I rocked her in the rocking chair.  Over the weeks, the words formed a song that I would sing to her for years to come.  I dearly loved the alone time with her at the end of the day, singing the made up song. Small habits such as these might seem meaningless, but over the years the effort strengthened our bond.

When my son went to college, I not only missed him, I longed for the presence he created in our home.  Any time at home, he played Neil Young .... dressing for school, showering, hanging out, or going to bed.  I felt his absence so greatly, I bought the tape of Neil Young's so I could sing OLD MAN, HEARTS OF GOLD and SOUTHERN MAN.  It brought me closer to my son.

Music is a powerful tool that is too often over looked.  Fast rhythms can energize us and ocean sounds can calm us.  Playing favorites from an earlier era make house cleaning zip by!  As music plays in the background, buried thoughts begin to surface.  Emotions we have been overlooking or not enjoying tend to surface.  Once recognized, we might be primed to jot those thoughts down, stringing our own words together forming song.

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