Friday, April 13, 2018

Not Waiting for Sunday!

"Belief consists in accepting
the affirmations of the soul,
unbelief, in denying them."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our soul recites exquisite wisdom throughout our lovely lives.  The problem is we don't always listen or hear; believe or accept; and deny or avoid.  As children attending a church, we may be overwhelmed by the incense, statues, candles and anthems.  As an adult, we may have become unfazed by all that surrounds the church as our mind busily makes Sunday agendas.

In meditation, I visualize being a child revisiting a Catholic Parrish from my youth.  I go way back in memories from when all things seemed magical during the mass.  I remember clutching my missal and silently chatting with Jesus as though he were my best friend.

I miss those religious times of innocent belief prior to knowing all things done in the name of Christianity.  Unwilling to release rituals, I use sage to smudge my sacred space and light candles as I call in the spirit of Mary Magdalene.  If I am seeking particular answers, I may use a tarot card to focus my prayer.  Then I silently sit in the presence of all angels, guides, and loved ones who have crossed over to hold this space in time.  The best part is that I can do this any day, any time and not have to wait for Sunday!

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