Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Release Analytical Thoughts

"When we drop out of this mental world into the Now,
we experience a depth, a richness, and a joy and peace
that feel sacred."
Gina Lake

Both sides of the brain are individually important, and if used together, produce samplings of masterhood. The analytical side of the brain tends to run full throttle, while the creative side becomes an afterthought. The height and depth of our existence, however, is vividly experienced when we eliminate our mental process and experience being in the moment.

When our creative brain in not distracted by analytical thoughts, we can experience the significance of each moment.  Our essence surfaces through sensitive awareness of what surrounds us as well as what is within us.   The fresh impressions of the moment and the triggered perceptions define the sacred areas of our existence.

In the creative space of our essence, we sample how life was meant to be imagined, and felt.  The impressions and insights recognized connect us with all things.  When we are willing to release our analytical thoughts in the moment, our essence is filled with sensations of peace and joy.

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