Saturday, May 14, 2016

Imaginary Grid

"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Charles R. Swindoll

When we remain too focused, we overlook great opportunities at hand.  If we slow down, and  consider a random option, we may discover a golden nugget of inspiration.  It is all about broadening our perspective.  In observing just outside of our narrow view, a small aspect may brighten an entire experience.

While visiting a lavender farm on Maui, a smile led to an introduction which then led to the realization these strangers lived not only in the United States but forty-five minutes from me in Champaign.  Attending a woman's conference in Nashville, I introduced myself to the woman sitting next to me and she had lived numerous years in Peoria thirty minutes from where I had worked.  In Acapulco I met a young couple from St. Louis who rapidly became friends. We ran into each other again years later in Quebec.

Although these incidences are minor, they illustrate the little gems we can collect when we expand out of our comfort zone.  Our world becomes smaller as though there is an imaginary grid connecting all of us in one small way or another.  We are surrounded by pleasant and unpleasant situations that are capable of enhancing our human experience.  The more closed off we are, the less we grow.

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