Thursday, May 12, 2016

Angst In Not Knowing

"One of the hardest things you 
will ever have to do, my dear,
is to grieve the loss of a person
who is still alive."  

Boundaries are beneficial in relationships, as long as the borders remain flexible.  If we feel pushed to the edge, it is best to have the option to either expand or contract.  Our decision considers whether or not we are feeling confined or unprotected.  The line of our demarcation is adjusted according to  friendship, career, stranger or foe.  

We allow others to wander outside of our boundaries and whether they return or not is based on the limits of both parties.  A boat may sail off into the sunset metaphorically or spiritually, leaving us bittersweet or relieved.  There is angst in not knowing if paths will ever intersect again.

When our tolerance has been broken and relationship has been terminated, there is great sorrow.  The level of emotion deepens with the realization this has happened not by death, but through choice.  When we deliberately excuse a person or we are dismissed, the loss intensifies.  The relationship may die, but the flesh still lives.

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