Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Humor or Humiliation?

"Our wit can help us connect with people outside the realm of our familiarity because 
humor is one of the few gifts we can share with individuals we have only just met."
Daily Om

Humor is a form of communication supported by facial animation and body language.  With the slightest exchange of eye contact, we welcome others into our world.  When we are willing to laugh at ourselves or with others, illusions of separation disappear.

Humor does not necessarily involve words.  We can be amused without speaking out loud.  We can  laugh at the quirkiness of others or the whimsical nature of animals.  Children clowning around or adults indulging in tomfoolery definitely tickle our funny bone.  

Maintaining a sense of lightheartedness improves our day by lifting our spirits.  A dash of humor can minimize stress or decrease a tendency towards temper.  When we view our situations with amusement and playfulness, others choose to join in on the fun.  It is just as easy to respond with humor as it is to resort to a sense of humiliation.

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