Thursday, May 26, 2016

Edit the Story

"The eyes only see what the mind 
is prepared to comprehend."
Henri Louis Bergson

The mind filters what the eyes can see and this is for our emotional protection.  Our eyes automatically adjust to protect our eye site and our mind expands and contracts to calibrate emotional responses to shock. 

We tell ourselves stories to make the situation more comfortable or accepting.  We edit the incident hoping we never saw what was suddenly apparent.  Privately, we tell ourselves we can improve a situation that it not repairable. Few react directly to flashes of reality. 

Even though denial may allow us a pause of peace, reality will continue to project a lesson  until we are ready to face it.  The process of digesting life can last years, months, days or hours.  The pace is dependent upon how open we are to accepting the reality.  The ability to discern our individual involvement and the degree to which we can change are vitally important markers.  When we recall the numerous times we have superseded challenges, our resilience will advance us towards wholeness.  


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