Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Descend The Spiral Staircase

"You read and write and sing an experience,
thinking that one day these things
will build the character you admire to live as.
You love and lose and bleed 
best  as you can, to the extreme,
hoping that one day the world will read you
like the poem you want to be."    
Charlotte Ericksson

Within each of us, there is a library filled with wisdom, fantasy, and mystery.  When we harvest these stories, we find inconsistencies, delusions, and deceptions without a sense of reality.  If we explore the details, we come across reflections of pure love and unquestionable joy.

The human experience is not a happy fairytale nor is it a tale of horror.  The non-fiction edition of life is filled with all aspects of possibility and waisted moments of opportunity. The captured dialogue between family, stranger, or mentor may be misunderstood while read out of context or it may refurbish the passion of a lost dream.

As we descend the spiral staircase into the depths of our inner libraries, we cannot help be impacted by the overwhelming accumulation of texts, documents, and diaries.  Extracting the truths of yesteryear that no longer support our perceptions is easier than releasing the romantic daydreams that ended with an unforeseen expiration date.  We decide to savor the lined binders with recorded snips of insight and quirks of pain. The ramblings express unexpected clarity allowing the truth to shine.

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