Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cultivate the Earth

"There's nothing more powerful than a woman
who knows how to contain her power and not let it leak,
standing firmly within it in mystery and silence."
Marianne Williamson

Feminine power is having the right to express passion, opinions, and style of life based upon inner discovery and guidance.  It is about having options and the freedom to choose.  Listening to internal communication in the form of meditation, contemplation or prayer, women follow a path to share, reflect, and encourage. 

Places of solitude are created by women where sacred connections are made with nature, Universe, intelligence and creativity.  Resilience, courage and compassion are the elements of their foundation, allowing them to face challenges and make constructive shifts in the world.

Women become sensitive to the mysteries of the world.  Their awareness catches the movements of the veil.  They trust the realms of diversity, and move gracefully in the midst of chaos.  Empowered women  continuously align their body, mind and spirit. With compassion, empowered women cultivate the earth.

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