Saturday, May 21, 2016

It Matters To Me

"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment,
whether we mean to or not."  Ram Dass

It matters to me if you are having a good day, as whatever energy you are carrying inside of you is going to seep out into the world.  If you are filled with anger that  energy will flow out onto the students you teach, the people you love, and the work you do.  All around you, this negative energy will be attracting more anger, devastation, or hopelessness.

It matters to me if you can look through the fear and see the lesson in the situation or if you can discern what the situation is triggering from your past.  When you can process components of the experience, you will begin to accept how you feel and learn the lesson before you.  With a deeper understanding, you return to the world with a positive energy helping to uplift those around you.

It matters to me that everyone recognizes their individual importance in this massive world.  One person may not be able to make a world shift, but numerous individuals projecting positive feelings out into the world will affect a portion of it.  Your individual positive light will deepen your human experience and brighten the darkness of others.

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