Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stimulating Adventure

"The identity you're craving for is an illusion;
your true nature has no identity, 
you're the universe ~
you contain all things!" 
Aniekee Tochukwu

Jean Houston made a presentation in Chicago,  emphasizing the need to return to the qualities of the Renaissance.  This was at least 15 years ago and the essence of her words remain vibrant in my head:  We do not all learn the same way and we do not all express ourselves with identical communication.  She remarked how a Renaissance  teacher nourishes the many talents of the student rather than forcing students to learn in the teacher's one singular way.  Math can be learned in Music, just as history can be taught through literature.  Some beginners respond to visual whereas others may need to touch or feel.

We are all multi-sided and yet we stream line our talents, squeeze into a category, and project a singular identity ... artist, priest, author, lawyer, doctor, etc... while down playing other strengths, passions or desires.  It is no wonder people become bored, restless, and unsatisfied with life time goals that ultimately do not fulfill.

There is a need to dig deeply into our selves as a singular quest, not influenced by outsiders.  We can take inventory and as our many gifts are recognized we can feel our confidence expand.  Throughout the years, we can feel prepared to address diverse situations and to be flexible with our challenges.  We can relate to our world through various avenues, making life a stimulating adventure instead of a routine course.

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