Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Emotional Prisons

"A person does not have to behind bars to be a prisoner.
People can be prisoners of their own concept and ideas.
They can be slaves to their own selves."

My confidence does not thrive in the absence of the sun.  Negative thoughts easily pierce through my creativity changing my illuminated colors to mud.  I tend to lose my way when I do not have the sunbeams to follow.  Withdrawing, I become invisible.

Emotions become glorified under the direction of the ego.  They run rampant in every direction imaginable and never towards reality.  Distortion silently slips into my physical body causing my  limbs to stiffen into weary old bones.  Motivation evaporates as my heart turns cold upon the prison  floor.

Sunshine is the key to unlock my prison of emotional darkness.  When the sun gently warms my face, my spirit lifts and my creativity awakens.  My energy begins to bubble and I find an absorbent amount of healthy choices.  Laughter gurgles up from my belly and my feet want to dance to the music streaming in from everything surrounding me.  The sun nurtures me and sets my soul free.

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