Monday, January 4, 2016

Birth A Dancing Star

"One must still have chaos in oneself 
to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Chaos shakes us out of our complacency, allows unanswered questions to surface, and forcefully invites us to face repressed emotions.  It clings to us until we face our forth coming lesson, learning yet another degree of honesty about ourselves and others.

If there were no discord in our lives, there would be fewer moments of understanding.  We would become satisfied with what we know and fall asleep not tending to our inner glow.  In order for light to shine around the world, each of us must make our flame grow.

When everyone is sharing the light of kindness and compassion, we can reach out to others. Our flames join and we carry them out into the darkness.  Our fire becomes a passion for peace and prosperity for all of humanity.  Together, our labor of love births a dancing star.

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