Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Stop, Look, and Listen

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world.
Scrub them off every once in a while, 
or the light won't come in."

Isaac Asimov

Our core beliefs do not need to be kept in a secured lock box.  When we hide our truth from others, we have a tendency to become rigid created by fear of change.  We love what is important to us and we do not want life to take one more thing from us.  Core beliefs, however, are not meant to be held in dark and stagnant environments.  

Diverse perspectives, give us an opportunity to either strengthen or adjust our personal opinions.  As discussions unfold, we need to stop our racing defensive mind, look the speaker in the eye, and listen to what is being said.  Even when we disagree, we have at least acted with integrity and respected the other person.  Besides, we look rather foolish trying to shove ear plugs into our ears whenever someone other than our lovely self begins to speak!

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