Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Replace Judgment with Curiosity

"If you look the right way,
you can see that the whole world
is a garden."

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Increased awareness allows mysteries to come crisply into view.  When we observe with a quiet mind, we engage in the world on a deeper level, with innocence.  Replacing judgment with curiosity our compassion is heightened and our criticism fades away.  Our creativity flows as we try to add stories to all that we see.  These stories are usually laced with insight and wisdom.

While I was waiting for my coffee pot to complete the brew cycle, I stared out the kitchen window with my eyes drawn to a rather overgrown bush in our back yard.  I was remembering this bush in early spring when it was covered with tiny fragrant blossoms.  I was looking at the dark green of the shapely leaves when movement caught my eye.  There was a bee hovering and much to my surprise there was one tiny flower remaining on the bush.  The bee must have been delighted as it remained for some time.

I then allowed my mind to drift a little deeper into what was before my eyes.  My curiosity allowed speculation to fill in the story:

 The world  is vast, filled  with abundance 
for stuffing our bellies;  and yet, there are 
emaciated  peoples  seeking  food.

Seeing an individual bee, reminds me, 
the Divine watches each and every 
one of us no matter how isolated 
or populated our surroundings may be.  

The over grown bush had completed 
the flowering season and yet it offered  
one last blossom to a passing bee. 

I wondered how difficult it had been 
for the bee to discover this single morsel 
 or if Mother Nature had deliberately 
been at hand. 

These insights, although not earth shattering, are easily found when we choose to slow our lovely selves down.  There is much we can learn from what surrounds us, if we simply tune down our inner voices and tune up our awareness.

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