Friday, August 21, 2015

Murkiness of My Own Vision

"Do you consider yourself a blessing
or just another person?"

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

As I settle into my place in the gathered circle, a beautiful woman approaches me, looks directly into my eyes and with great certainty says, "I love you!"  She does this every time I see her.

These words are spoken with confidence and commitment, but not in a sexual way.  When this situation presents itself, I feel very uncomfortable even though I know she speaks with sincerity.  The discomfort stems from my resistance to let others slip between my carefully placed barriers.  What could she possibly see deep within me that triggers such a heartfelt response?  She is seeing something, I choose not to recognize in my self.  

The sacred space of the gathered circle continues for a few days.  I find myself especially listening to what this woman has to share.  I can find no fault, no way to discredit her.  It is noticeable to me that I am beginning to let her words slowly chip away at my carefully bricked wall.

This intense woman is entrenched with passion and empathy.  She is tightly wound by her efforts to be present for others and to be active in the world.  I begin to notice how deeply she peers into the eyes of others and really sees. I begin to allow her love to wash over me with certainty.  Her words cleanse the murkiness of my own vision.  I experience such joy I reach out to her and blurt, "I love you!"

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