Thursday, August 27, 2015

Carved From Stone

"Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, 
make glorious and fantastic mistakes.  Break rules,  Leave
the world more interesting for your being here.

Neil Gaiman

There is insight to be found during discussions regarding errors.  The bottom line question is of course, "Is there such a thing as a mistake?"  What we once considered a great idea, may in hind sight be one of our worst decisions.  If we can create a little distance from our inner critic, we might salvage the importance of any experience.

When we view challenges in our life with a broader lens, we can see where events are like building blocks.  Individually, they might just look like stepping stones, but when seen from a fresh perspective, we find ourselves observing a well placed stones creating a solid foundation.

To appreciate our lapse in thinking by sifting through the debris, the emphasis on mistake shifts to the lesson learned.  Each stepping stone contributes to our individual path leading to our intended unique self.  In a sense, our character is carved from stone.  

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