Friday, February 27, 2015

The Promise Of A New Day

"Stop telling yourself
stories and lies."

Deborah Brothers

The desire to see someone who is my perfect image has been strong for years.  To gaze into a mirror at my own reflection doesn't offer the entire experience of being who I am.  I want to observe my mannerisms and posturing to capture my essence.  I want to hear the pitch of my voice and the sound of words as I speak them.  To view my body language would be a delightful insight into who I truly am, and not who I think I am.  I long for the awareness of my movement through this time and space labeled life.

I seek the round knob positioned just outside of the door to my soul.  I yearn to escape momentarily to capture a differing perspective.  What would it be like to absorb everything at once fully  integrated inside of the self?  

There are sharp pieces of  criticism stuck inside my bones, reminding me of negatives with every extension or turn.  Nerve endings fire up to counter  the blood turned cold by the harsh winds of life.  The sun offers beams to warm my soul, but there is a fear of melting entirely away.  It is only in the night when the moon beckons me to converse with the stars that my heart feels the promise of another day. 

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