Monday, February 2, 2015

Full Capacity To Imagine

"Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies
only the five senses that we know perish with him,
and the other ninety-five remain alive."

Anton Chekhov

Death is not something I fear, as I believe only my physical body will run out of time.  I also believe time is an illusion, so there is no reason for me not to carry on in another form of energy vibration or differing frequency.  I respect the thoughts and concepts of others, hoping they will return the favor.

If we truly use only five percent of our brain, it is easy for me to entertain the thought of using only five senses out of ninety five.  We are creatures of extreme possibility with realms, visions, and perceptions barely explored.  I ponder the effect of  past lives, the significance of present lives, and project images of future lives.  In addition, however, I think of parallel lives and flimsy veils between other worlds.    

I have been blessed with great creativity and a working brain.  My mind is awash with brightly colored concepts and abstract patterns.  Symbols do not always have tangible meaning, and yet they trigger a sense of knowing within.  My heart feels differing depths of  places where  the brain cannot fully understand.  I have learned to embrace the unknown.  My fear has dissipated, and my resistance has dissolved, leaving me with full capacity to imagine.  

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