Friday, February 6, 2015

The Answer Is Within

"The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego,
the second half is going inward and letting go of it."

Carl Jung

It can occur at any stage of life.  We can be at the top of our game or running into a wall.  At some point, however, we realize we no longer know who we are.  We feel disconnected, uncomfortable, and lost.  No longer are we even certain in which direction to go.  The answer, of course, is within.

There comes a point in time we feel desperate enough to address the unidentified longing we have been ignoring for years.  We are called to face the yearning we can no longer douse with pleasure, work or other distractions.

We are in need of a cleansing from outgrown ideas, ill fitting roles, and excess baggage.  We scrub ourselves with forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love.  When we are fresh and clean, we are careful to wrap ourselves in layers that truly reflect who we are.  Slowly we begin to acquire a new sense of self, but it takes time, patience, and solitude.

There will be areas of our lives we will want to expand and then some we will want to release.  Our energy will flow more fluidly and the joy of discovery will create a new sense of belonging.  We will be aligned with body, mind, and soul, hearing our inner voice say, "Welcome home!"

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