Saturday, February 14, 2015

Shades of Gray

"We stand shivering at the door,
terrified and panicked
that we have lost the key.
We waste lifetimes
in the waiting
because in the haze
the painted fog
of our fear,
we forget
to check the handle
and discover
it has never been locked
at all."

Tyler Knott Gregson

If we would continually evolve our concept of love, Valentine's Day wouldn't be dreaded by so many. As it is, this day promotes anxiety and stress while accenting the awareness of being alone.  In truth, love abounds when we can broaden our visions of love to more than just romantic fantasy.  

Love comes in all kinds of containers and can be deeply experienced in diverse ways.  When we are rigid in defining what love looks like or feels like, we are robbing ourselves of pleasure.  If we focus on ways to make our selves happy, we each become responsible for a very special day.

If we define Valentine's Day as a fancy dinner out, then we can treat our lovely selves and invite a friend. If we define this heart day as a movie date with hot buttered popcorn, go to the show whether alone or not. If we imagine a divine evening with a glass of wine and a good read, then snuggle in  a comforter in front of a fire place.

If we are thinking, "This is not a real Valentine's Day," then we are rigidly confining this day of happiness into a day of shear distress.  Gather some friends, create some home made valentines and leave them in random mailboxes.  Meet some kindred spirits at a coffee shop and bring some candy kisses to be handed out to others.  Throughout the day, wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!

When we start giving rather than sitting back and waiting to receive, love abounds.  It really is a matter of perspective and how we want to color our day.  So which is it?  Are we going to use shades of gray or an array of bright colors!  Truly, the choice is ours.

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