Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Favorite Kind of Day

    My To Do List For Today:

*  Count my blessings * Practice kindness
*  Let go of what I cannot control
*  Listen to my heart
*  Be productive, yet calm
*  Just breathe

    Julian Lennon

There is no agenda for today which is my favorite kind of day.  I do not feel any pressure to get dressed, go anywhere, or do any particular thing.  I gather my books and journal and head for a quiet spot where the fireplace can be seen easily.  Lost in thought, I sip my coffee and begin to thank my lucky stars for the freedom to be me.

In my journal, I record all of the current blessings coming my way, and I write in detail all of the gratitude I feel in my heart.  I lazily, but impeccably jot down the dreams from the night time passed. I ponder over symbols and implications of my night time fantasies, hoping a meaningful message will bounce to the surface.

Three new books set upon my lap:  MIND WHISPERING by Tara Bennett-Goleman; FEELING WISDOM by Rob Preece; and IN PURSUIT OF SILENCE by George Prochnik.  I am hoping for my mind to stretch and grow, and have new insightful thoughts from passages I read.  There is nothing quite like being lost in thoughts that do not contain violence, crisis, anger and doom.  

Yes, today I will remain in my little bubble of warmth and good thoughts.  I will listen to my heart, stay calm,  and practice kindness to me.  There is nothing to control except my coffee, and I just have to remember to breathe! 

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