Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nocturnal Rewards

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep."


Many women experience a waking period disrupting a night of sleep..  They get frustrated, cranky,  or flop around struggling with a pillow or twisted sheet.  This time, however, can be best used by asking a simple question and waiting for an answer.  The answer may register directly or present itself in a following dream.  ts.

In the middle of the night, without reason, we are snatched from out sleeping state.  There hasn't been an unusual noise in the house or any disruption from outside.  Some believe the moment is deliberate, especially when there is a full moon.

There are women who will get up from bed and start to journal without a particular theme or choose an insightful book to idly pass the time.  Each woman become surprised as they come  across a synchronized piece of information believing it is more easily received without the normal earthly distractions. 

When we utilize this unexpected space in time, we can begin to view it as sacred.   We can be creative in our reaction or we can be a silent listener.  The most difficult task is to remember to take advantage of this nocturnal time.  When we do remember to be open to possibility, we will deep the rewards.

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