Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Relating to Single Vibration

"I think it is healthy to spend time alone.
You need to know how to be alone 
and not be defined by another person."

Oscar Wilde

Even if we are in a healthy relationship, we still need our private time.  We need to experience personal space where we can just be.  The energy of two people or more create a different frequency than the vibration we have on our own.  

To spend some time alone, does not mean there is something wrong.  It does not suggest we are loving lesser than we did before.  We simply need to recharge our personal space, to untangle our thoughts, and to just experience what is going on with ourselves.  This time allows us to come into balance or align our body, mind, and spirit.

We sometimes do a happy dance when our significant other leaves for the day playing golf, or attending a meeting.  There is something so freeing about being home totally by ourselves when we are used to living with another.  Maybe our partner will be gone late into an evening and we are joyful to not have to fix a meal, and allow our self to retire early with a great book.  

Don't wait until there is something wrong before we claim private time.  Actually, securing alone time can help prevent relationship problems.  There is such a thing as too much togetherness.  We need to discover what we are thinking.  It is an opportunity to get in touch with our body and how it feels.  Nature may be beckoning us outdoors, leaving our concerns behind.  

If we are living alone, the same holds true.  Sometimes we have to get out of our daily surroundings to have a more clear reflection of ourselves.  Julia Cameron would suggest an Artists Date where we choose a time and place during our week.  We can look forward to it and honor it when it arrives.  The time is especially designated to honor our self and can be used for solitude, adventure, or exploring.  

It is important to get to know ourselves all over again, as we change routinely.  The more in touch we are with our body, mind, and spirit, the more resilience we will have for others.

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