Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Essence Remains


She lived not long enough.
She was so vibrant.
Now her life has ended.

A young woman expressed how difficult the passing of her grandmother had been, until she found old journals filled with sorrow, happiness, history, and wisdom.  Although the granddaughter had maintained a strong relationship with her elder for years, these journals reflected other sides of the grandmother's life never before mentioned.  Through these keepsakes, the grandmother remained alive, even though she had moved on.

People die, leaving us behind, but if we keep their memories fresh, a part of them lives on.  We can share stories of those who have gone before us with our children or friends.  We can write stories of our relationships or struggles for others to learn from.

Our physical body expires and our spirit moves on, but parts of our essence remains in the people, places, and work we have touched while still alive.  When we become lonely for those whom we have released to a different world, we can sit in silence and experience them once again.  Through stories, memories, dreams, or day dreams, we might be lucky enough to feel his or her presence, even if for the briefest moment.  

There may be a fragrance floating by that is definitely Aunt Millie's.  We may see a set of granddad's initials like MKC everywhere you look:  license plates, bar codes, monograms.  An old piece of jewelry long associated with a relative may unexpectedly surface.  Synchronistically, we are introduced to someone who knew our relative and opens a pathway of new insight.

There is a very deep sense of loss when someone dies, but in time we realize the person isn't entirely gone.  We can hear them laugh, see them run, or sense a warm embrace.  We can sit in silence and speak a name.  A sense of the deceased will stay alive for as long as we can hold them in our hearts.

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