Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fear, The Informant

"Whenever we face our fear, we overcome an inner obstacle and move into novel and life-enhancing territory, both inside and out."  Madisyn Taylor  DAILY OM

Fear is not always a bad thing.  We have a tendency to get stuck in the emotional aspects of fear, unable to move in any direction.  Fear, however, can be thought of more appropriately as a yellow traffic light for caution.  Fear is not telling us to speed up or slow down, but to be aware.  It encourages us to pause prior to a decision so we can carefully explore what the consequences will be.  

We need to be aware of our actions whether we are moving foreword into a new career or extracting ourselves from a relationship.  Fear surfaces so we can slow down and evaluate circumstances.  It prevents us from moving head on carelessly or lurking unnecessarily.

Fear can also be an indicator of being out of our comfort zone.  This is a notification of a needed transition.  Are we tired and bored with our life or are we being lured into a new situation? In either scenario, we can experience fear.  At any time, we can choose to sit quietly to pinpoint what is triggering us.  Then we can next decide if it is in our best interest to simply move through our concerns or allow more time to pass.

Fear is simply trying to get our attention to cautiously keep moving through our worries and concerns.  Refrain from giving it too much control, as it is truly just an informer.  Fear presents itself during any transitions made in our life.

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