Friday, October 3, 2014

Own It!

"Humility for me, 
is being honest
and clear with myself
and about myself."

Panache Desai

When we align ourselves with our truth, we become empowered.  The trick is to be very clear about weaknesses as well as strengths.  We can still be humble as we claim our strengths, and we do not waste our energy denying our lack of particular skills.  

The act of embracing the entire package, strengthens us, and we no longer seek or require the acknowledgment of others.  Compliments are wonderful to receive, but acknowledging our skill from a deep place within aligns us with our truth.

Humility is in place when we are in harmony with our truth about gifts and talents while being aware of our shortcomings as well.  Personal power is enhanced when with humility, we are honest and clear with ourselves.  We remain aware of our feelings whether they are of joy or insecurity.  It is a practice of not denying, but recognizing what is going on inside.

Panache Desai encourages his readers to do an honest inventory listing good aspects and weaker particulars without any need to enhance or minimize. He encourages us to list our positive attributes, talents and gifts.  When this is accomplished, we have a greater sense of our authentic self and can operate from a place of personal power.  We experience our natural radiance and shine.  We just have to own it!

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