Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hurdle Road Blocks

"You do have a story inside you;
it lies articulate and waiting to be written -
behind your silence and your suffering.

Anne Rice

Whether we are riding on a bus, sharing a cab, or waiting in a long line for service, the people around us are filled with stories.  We are in the presence of wonderment at all times, yet rarely tap into what is present.  

I am reminded of riding on a trolley in New Orleans, LA, with a resident seated next to me.  A standing tourist engaged her in conversation and I overheard an overwhelming story of her challenge and survival after Katrina.  Once in Nashville,TN, I found myself in conversation with a woman sitting next to me.  We discovered her family of origin lived within 30 minutes of my home in Illinois.  Befriending a senior citizen living in a retirement home, I heard the story of an exceptional life led with brilliance beyond my imagination.  Listening to a small child in a day care system, I heard the voice of an aged soul, insightful beyond his years.  In Sedona , AZ, eating breakfast at a restaurant, I listened to a Native American Elder tell both ancient and current history of his people and their land.

Synchronicity allows delight and deeper understanding if we take advantage of these available opportunities.  Storytellers enhance life and allow us to take a step towards each other rather than away.  Every breathing individual has a story to tell, and we probably take our story for granted.  We don't realize  the gifts that come with the telling.  The lower income woman may once have lived a life of luxury.  The highest executive in a Fortune 500 company may have grown up dirt poor.  The beggar in the street may have an exceptional perspective.

When we listen to the hearts of others, we come to realize their is no such thing as an average person.  Our personal stories reveal our uniqueness and yet draw us together.  We all face challenges and with learned knowledge from each other, we hurdle road blocks with greater strides.

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