Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sweet and Tart

Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind. 

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Today is a lovely day by the water.  The lull of the waves, the peace of the gentle breeze, and the sun shining upon my face settle me into my lazy chair.  My toes dig deeply into the warmth of the sand while my eyes gently close in reverie.

It is then that I see you, my friend.  You are sitting on your porch waiting, just waiting for me to pass by.  We happily embrace and eagerly I sink into the waiting chair.  You have made lemonade for us, sweet and tart, just like life can sometimes be.

We sit and chat, laughing at the really big things and crying over some of the little niggling things.  We gently clasp hands, exchanging the 'knowing' that we each share, that our friendship will always endure, and that we will be connected forever more.

Time has passed oh too quickly and it is time I am back on my way.  We hug yet again, promising soon, so soon we will be together again to open our hearts, to share life's burdens, and to chase the darkness away. 

The seagull calls to me and I gently open my eyes.  The tide has rolled in and the waves are inches from my edge.  The sun is now resting behind a cloud, and the breeze blows my day dream away. 

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