Saturday, April 21, 2012

I loved to swim ...

With the gift of listening
comes the gift of healing.

Catherine de Hueck

We can learn a lot about our selves when we pay attention to the words we use and the facts we share.  We may even surprise our selves by what unexpectedly comes out. 

Many years ago, while attending a meeting, I was seated by a gentleman I did not know.  He asked me about myself and what I most liked to do.  I immediately responded, "Oh, I love to swim!"  Then I sat with those words for a long time.

As a youngster, I loved the water and I became a life guard when I was a young adult.  I grew up on Lake Michigan, but also had access to a pool on a regular basis.  In college I was a good strong swimmer, but lacked style and grace.   So, yes, I loved to swim ... past tense.

Facing this unknown gentleman, he immediately picked up on the pensive look on my face.  Being a good listener, he encouraged me to explain.  As we often bare our souls to total strangers, I proceeded to tell him I had just realized how disconnected I apparently was with my self.  Yes, I had loved to swim, but had not been in a bathing suit for years.  The very thought of being in a bathing suit gave me the willies!

Sorting out my feelings while I talked, I soon realized that it was the water I always loved and still loved.  It doesn't matter if it is an ocean, lake, pond, stream or bath tub, I am calmed just by being by the water.  The water some how relaxes and comforts me.  It is also cleansing.

After my meeting and the nice man departed, I continued to ponder his original question, "What do I like to do?"  This innocent question sent me on a quest to rediscover myself and to determine what no longer suited me.  What did I want to bring more of into my life?  There was so much to choose from:  painting, writing, reading, and collecting antique dishes, spoons, boxes, napkins, etc ...

Eventually, I updated the activities in my life and found more creative ways to express who I was.  I began listening to others about their own passions and what how these interests played out in their lives.  I listened more attentively to community announcements finding classes and workshops to expand my skills.

So the art of listening works both ways.  We must first listen to our inner voice to really connect with our heart's desire.  It helps to monitor our own conversations for authentic reflection.  Then as we listen to others we can enhance our understanding and skill.  We can creatively act upon our dreams and desires, but if we don't first listen, how will we ever know?

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